The Story Booth team is pleased that our partnership with Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation has resulted in an invitation for us to be exhibitors for their 2021 Virtual Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation (MDF) Annual Conference, September 10th and 11th. "The MDF Annual Conference unites the entire myotonic dystrophy (DM) community – those living with the disease, their family and friends, industry partners, clinicians and researchers, and everyone else focused on understanding and eliminating the burden associated with myotonic dystrophy (MDF website)."

We support their mission to "Unite Community, Care, and a Cure from Myotonic Dystrophy", and look forward to the opportunity to speak with attendees and exhibitors about the impact of DM and related conditions on the community, current and upcoming research, and experiences within the health system and research. We hope to provide a space where people can share these experiences through the Story Booth archive to the public, researchers, community partners and stakeholders in a commitment to making patients' voices' central to health research.

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